Cataplexy in hands
Cataplexy in hands

cataplexy in hands

While people who suffer from narcolepsy have a hard time staying awake during the day, they generally find that they have problems sleeping at night. It is often the first symptom of narcolepsy to manifest. The extreme tiredness can cause people to lose focus and fall asleep during typically inappropriate or dangerous times, such as driving or eating a meal. This is the primary symptom which afflicts all narcolepsy sufferers. Patients have also reported losing complete muscle control and falling while standing or walking. In some cases, cataplexy may cause your head to droop to the side or make it difficult to speak. This weakness can affect your entire body, or only certain parts. CataplexyĬataplexy sufferers will find that they lose muscle tone and experience muscle weakness while awake. These hallucinations can become so intense that you begin to physically taste, hear, and smell the sensations that you are hallucinating. Many people who have narcolepsy experience vivid hallucinations while waking up or falling asleep. Fortunately, this state usually lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and it is not harmful to your overall health. However, you are fully mentally aware during this state.

cataplexy in hands

Sleep paralysis can prevent you from moving, speaking, or interacting with the environment while falling asleep or waking up.

Cataplexy in hands professional#

If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, discuss the possibility of a narcolepsy diagnosis with a medical professional today: Sleep Paralysis There are many inter-related symptoms that may indicate narcolepsy: all of which result in excessive daytime sleepiness, and can seriously impede your day-to-day life. The cause of narcolepsy is not yet known it is speculated that the disorder is linked to a deficiency of certain genes which control the production of the neurological chemicals responsible for sleep regulation. Narcolepsy causes sufferers to fall asleep uncontrollably during the day, negatively impacting daily life. One of the most pervasive sleep disorders, narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that is characterized by the incapacity to regulate the cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

Cataplexy in hands